My grandfather on researching and writing history

I credit my grandfather, Josiah (Joe) M. Daniel, Sr. with generating and encouraging my interest in studying and writing American history. He had a number of histories on the built in bookcases in my grandparents’ living room.

My grandfather was one of two founders of the Navarro County (Texas) Historical Society and served as its first President in 1956. From the beginning its meetings featured the presentation of papers authored by its members and then published them in an annual volume. 

In the first volume, my grandfather published his own paper titled “Navarro County Indians.” in it he wrote: “History is largely the recorded pilgrimage of man, as expressed by his words and his deeds. Its material is limitless as anyone who has attempted to gather facts and legends a people can testify.’

Jo[siah M.] Daniel, [Sr.], "Navarro County Indians," 1 Navarro County Scroll n.p. (1956).