The Preface to my new article about the history of the Carmack Amendment

The following text that I post on SSRN is the final version of my article. The article was first printed on paper in early July 2023 as 50 Northern Kentucky Law Review 51. That version was unfortunately botched—it omitted my table of contents and also dropped my appendix, which is central to my thesis; fused a number of paragraphs; bungled dozens of the footnotes; and contained additional typographical and punctuation errors and inconsistencies. Under a covering notice to subscribers (“Please accept . . . . apologies for sending out Issue 50-1 with errors. We have made the corrections and reprinted [so] discard the Issue that you received earlier and replace it with this Issue.”), the law school later sent a slightly better paper version—although my table of contents is still missing, this second printing does include my appendix—with the same volume-and-page address. Even so, that law school’s second paper edition and its version of my article contained multiple editorial mistakes. (An electronic edition has not yet been, but will be, posted on the law school’s website.)
So the purpose of this version on SSRN is to correct all remaining errors of the law-student editors. The footnote numbering and the pagination is the same. I have used Matthew Butterick’s “Equity” font for readability.
Historians, legal scholars, and readers, please take notice that: this SSRN version is, and should be treated and cited as, the true and correct version of my article. 

Here is the article, Cooptation of the Carmack Amendment by the Railroads, 1906-1917: A Study in Associational Lawyering, 50 No. Ky. L. Rev. 51, corrected version at (Sept. 2023).